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Internal Affairs
By Internal Affairs

Sergeant Benavides Xue - SUSPENSION - 10/29/2024

Police Officer's Name: Benavides Xue
Police Officer's Badge Number: 1263
Date of Suspension: 29/10/2024
Suspension Expiry Date: 1/11/2024
Reason/Comments: Forceful removal of a motorist's keys without reason. Blatant disrespect towards members of the public with multiple witnesses through inappropriate mannerisms and verbiage, to include using body weight to force someone out their way leading to further escalation. Provoking members of the public to fight, and engage in malicious violence.

Supervisor's Name: Katherine Lamendola
Supervisor's Rank: LT
Supervisor's Badge Number: 1259
Supervisor's Signature:

K. Lamendola

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