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Internal Affairs
By Internal Affairs

Los Santos Police - Internal Affairs Division The Internal Affairs Division of the Professional Standards Bureau is responsible for handling the department's legal affairs, complaints, commendations, and internal disciplinary appeals. It provides thorough reviews and investigations into disciplinary actions that have been taken against sworn officers.
Los Santos Police - Appeals Process The purpose of the appeal is to determine the circumstances surrounding the incident and to determine if such disciplinary action was appropriate for the situation. It reviews appeals regarding reprimands, suspensions, demotions and discharges. If the appeal is successful, the Internal Affairs Commanding Officer will reverse the disciplinary action taken completely, or reinstate this as a lesser disciplinary action (such as a suspension to a reprimand, etc).

A disciplinary appeal may be filed by any employee after they have been issued a formal disciplinary action by any member of Supervisory Staff and above (excluding the Chief of Police directly). Once filed, the Internal Affairs Commanding Officer will be required to randomly select a group of three (3) Command Staff officers, hereinafter known as the "review board" to review the appeal. The selected officers will have full control of the appeal and may perform an investigation into the matter as necessary. Disciplinary appeals will only be reviewed if the appeal is submitted within 72 hours of disciplinary action taking place - appeals after this time will not be considered.

The review board will then come to one of two conclusions listed below:
  • Guilty - the review board has concluded that the disciplined employee's actions justified the disciplinary action in question. As such, the disciplinary action will remain on record.
  • Not Guilty - the review board has concluded that the disciplined employee's actions were justified, lawful, and proper. As such, the action will be downgraded or removed, depending on the decision of the board.
The disciplined officer will be informed of the decision and the reason(s) behind this, if applicable. Please note, the review board's actions are final and no further appeal can be filed once a decision has been made. The review board aims to provide a response within seven days.
Los Santos Police - Appeal Form All appeals should be submitted via email or letter to the Internal Affairs Division by completing the following form.

Code: Select all
Title = Disciplinary Appeal - Officer Firstname Lastname - Date
Code: Select all

[legend=1. Appellant]
[list=none][b]1.1. Name:[/b] Firstname Lastname
[b]1.2. Current Rank:[/b] 
[b]1.3. Badge Number:[/b] #0000 

[legend=2. Supervisor(s)]
[list=none]Please list your direct supervisor only, for example, if you are primarily a patrol officer, please highlight your patrol sergeant.

[b]2.1. Name(s):[/b] Firstname Lastname
[b]2.2. Rank(s):[/b] 

[legend=3. Appeal Information]
[list=none][b]3.1. Disciplinary Action:[/b] Reprimand/Fine/Suspension/Demotion/Discharge

[b]3.2 Date(s) and Time(s) of Incident:[/b] DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM
[b]3.3 Location(s) of Incident:[/b]

[b]3.4. Detailed Description of Event(s):[/b] Detail the incident and the circumstances surrounding the disciplinary action made against you.

[b]3.5. Witnesses:[/b] Include any witnesses, other officers, or supervisors that were present. Include their contact information, if known.

[b]3.6. Evidence:[/b] Include any evidence (e.g phone recording, video, etc.)
[b](( 3.7. Out-of-Character Evidence )):[/b] Include any out of character evidence (e.g chatlogs, screenshots, video footage, etc.)

[legend=4. Additional Information]
[list=none][b]4.1. Additional Information:[/b] Detail any additional information or concerns that you have not highlighted above.

Suspension lifted as of 09/13/2024.

Suspension lifted as of 09/13/2024.