Bootstrap Framework 3.3.6

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Internal Affairs
By Internal Affairs

Los Santos Police - Internal Affairs Division The Internal Affairs Division of the Professional Standards Bureau is responsible for handling the department's legal affairs, complaints, commendations, and internal disciplinary appeals. It is tasked with the investigation of minor and major allegations of corruption and employee misconduct that discredits the department or violates one, or many, internal policies. The division is tasked with thoroughly investigating complaints filed by citizens, employees, or employees of other departments and agencies.
Los Santos Police - Complaints Process A complaint may be filed at any police station, via the website, or by sending a letter to the Internal Affairs Division. You may choose to file this complaint anonymously, but please note that you may not be contacted if there are no contact details submitted. This means we may not be able to contact you to notify you of the status of the investigation, or follow-up if we require any further information.

Once filed, a complaint will be subject to a preliminary review by the Internal Affairs Division Command Staff to determine its credibility and nature. If the complaint is accepted at the review stage, it will be properly classified and assigned a specific category based on the allegations in the complaint. If the complaint fails to pass the preliminary review stage, it will be assigned one of the following dispositions and the complainant will be informed:
  • Non-Department Employee (NDE) - A preliminary review of the complaint has shown that the reported (government) employee(s) is not employed by the Los Santos Police Department.
  • No misconduct (NM) - A preliminary review of the complaint has shown that the reported employee(s) has not committed any acts of misconduct.
  • Withdrawn - The complainant has withdrawn the complaint, and the alleged act(s) are not severe enough for the investigation to continue.
Alternatively, Internal Affairs Command Staff may forward the complaint to another bureau/division/unit within the department for further investigation, depending on the nature of the case, for example, the complaint pertains to a certain divisional policy or does not justify Internal Affairs involvement. In any case, the complainant will be provided with a complaint reference number when the complaint has been logged should they have any information or queries pertaining to the complaint.
Los Santos Police - Investigation Process The Internal Affairs Division thoroughly investigates all forwarded complaints and reviews all evidence pertaining to the case before concluding. Upon the investigation's conclusion, it will be assigned one of the following dispositions and the complainant and all parties involved will receive a conclusion letter/email.
  • Sustained - The investigation has shown that the employee committed all or part of the allegation(s) of misconduct.
  • Not-Sustained - The investigation produced insufficient information and/or evidence to prove or disprove the allegation of misconduct.
  • Exonerated - The investigation has shown that the alleged act(s) occurred but was fully justified, lawful, and proper.
  • Unfounded - The investigation has shown that the employee did not commit any part of the allegation(s) of misconduct.
Complaints may be awarded additional dispositions not standard to the above such as "actions could have been different" in which the employee’s actions were less than ideal but were not misconduct. These additional dispositions will not be highlighted above but the complainant and all involved parties will be notified of any additional dispositions are added.

The Internal Affairs Division aims to complete investigations fully within one (1) month from the date the complaint was received. Upon completion and final review by the Commanding Officer or the Chief of Police, the reported employee(s) and the complainant will receive a letter detailing the investigation conclusion. Please note that the complainant may not be informed of the disciplinary action taken against the reported employee(s) in case of sustained complaints.
Los Santos Police - Complaints Form All complaints should be submitted via email or letter to the Internal Affairs Division by completing the following form.

Code: Select all
Title = Personnel Complaint - Officer Firstname Lastname - Date
Code: Select all

[legend=1. Complainant]
[list=none]You may submit this complaint anonymously, but please note we may not be able to contact you for follow-up information or to let you know the outcome of the investigation. If you wish to proceed anonymously, please write N/A next to all applicable options.

[b]1.1. Name:[/b] Firstname Lastname
[b]1.2. Phone Number:[/b] 
[b]1.3. Address:[/b] 

[b]1.4. Department (If Applicable):[/b] Department Name
[b]1.5. Rank (If Applicable):[/b] Rank Within Agency[/list][/legend]

[legend=2. Employee(s)]
[list=none]Please include as much information as possible in this section as this enables us to investigate the alleged incidents against the correct individuals. 

[b]2.1. Name(s):[/b] Firstname Lastname
[b]2.2. Badge Number(s):[/b] #0000 (replace if known)

[b]2.3. Callsign(s):[/b] Callsign if known
[b]2.4. Description(s):[/b] Detailed description of the employee if no badge number, callsign, nor name is obtained. Include any evidence that may be used to identify the employee.

[legend=3. Incident]
[list=none][b]3.1. Date(s) and Time(s) - please use approximate dates and times if not known:[/b] DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM
[b]3.2. Location(s):[/b]

[b]3.3. Detailed Description of Event(s):[/b] Detail the reported incident and explain the reported employee's alleged violation(s) using as much information as possible.

[b]3.4. Witnesses:[/b] Include any witnesses, other officers, or supervisors that were present. Include their contact information, if known.

[b]3.5. Evidence:[/b] Include any evidence (e.g phone recording, video, etc.)
[b](( 3.6. Out-of-Character Evidence )):[/b] Include any out of character evidence (e.g chatlogs, screenshots, video footage, etc.)

[legend=4. Information]
[list=none][b]4.1. Requested Restitution:[/b] Detail your requested restitution/expected resolution (e.g monetary compensation, disciplinary action, etc.)

[b]4.2. Additional Information:[/b] Detail any additional information or concerns that you have not highlighted above.

Suspension lifted as of 09/13/2024.

Suspension lifted as of 09/13/2024.