Bootstrap Framework 3.3.6

Over a dozen reusable components built to provide iconography, dropdowns, input groups, navigation, alerts, and much more...

General Information
The Public Relations Division, also known as 'PRD', delivers a multitude of services to the Department, the general populace, and the media. The division oversees the internal dissemination of information and distributes data, images, and videos related to crime scenes, significant incidents, and events to the media and the public. Moreover, the PRD maintains ongoing partnerships with media entities and freelance journalists and photographers, aiding the flow of information concerning Department operations.

The primary aim of the Division is to ensure continuous and open lines of communication, as it is a fundamental principle in law enforcement that such transparency and dialogue are key to earning the trust and confidence of the public. The PRD's role is to apply effective and proven strategies to keep the citizens of Los Santos informed about the activities of their police department, through the upkeep of its website, media interviews, regular press releases, critical incident reports, and more. The central focus of the Public Communications' mission is to provide the public with comprehensive, accurate, and current information.

The individuals who are part of the Public Relations Division are referred to as 'Public Information Officers' or PIOs.

Points of Contact
All forms of media, freelance reporters and photographers, collaborating entities such as the Los Santos Fire Department, private firms, associations, and the general populace are invited to direct their general questions to the Public Relations Commander Vincent Martinelli through email. Please be patient as it may take up to 72 hours for us to prepare a response.

Requests for Information
The Public Relations Division is responsible for managing and processing Information Requests. If you wish to submit an information request, please refer to the guidelines on the Press Information Requests desk (TBD) on how to proceed with your request from the Department. Please be patient and allow up to 72 hours for a response to be formulated.

It's important to note that the Department has the authority to decline any information request at its discretion. The Department may abstain from commenting on or providing information related to ongoing criminal investigations, internal case files, or operations and activities unless believed to be in the public's best interest to issue a formal release of information. There is no legal obligation for the Department to provide information or release materials that it holds. The Department is not obligated by the federal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. § 552, and the State of San Andreas does not currently have a FOI or open records act.

Commonly sought-after information typically includes:
  • Requests for Official statements from the Department related to Department operations or calls for service attended by the Department.
  • Requests for press releases.
  • Requests for images or videos related to Department operations or calls for service.
  • Requests for release of police vehicle dashcam footage or still images from.
  • Request for commentary on a range of subjects.
  • Requests for statistics.
  • Requests for excerpts of internal Department policy and regulations.

Press Pass Requests
The Department extends press credentials to media organization representatives as well as freelance journalists or photographers. To be considered for a press pass from the Los Santos Police Department, an applicant needs to be a media professional who personally reports on emergency, immediate, or breaking news events, and/or public events of a non-emergency nature. These events often involve police and fire lines or other forms of restrictions, limitations, or barriers that have been put in place within the City of Los Santos for the purpose of security or crowd management.

While the Los Santos Police Department's approval is not a prerequisite for working as a journalist in the State of San Andreas, possessing an official LSPD press pass could prove beneficial when covering police lines (for instance, crime scenes) or official LSPD events.

For details on how to apply for a press pass, kindly refer to the Press Pass Information & Application page (TBD).

Criminal Record Requests
The Los Santos Police Department extends the opportunity for any individual to enquire about their own criminal records through a written petition. Once this petition is processed, you will be granted access to your criminal record, however, it will not encompass any data, explanation, or particulars pertaining to these charges. This type of information is processed either through an Internal Affairs Complaint or via Court Litigation (in cases where there's a legitimate grievance associated with the arrest). Hiring businesses may also petition the Department for a criminal record check on behalf of the applicant if their role involves working with or around children, potentially hazardous or dangerous items, or around vulnerable people. The full list can be found at the Criminal Records Request desk (TBD).

(( Hi there, just a reminder any complaints should[…]