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Los Santos Police Department - Reinstatement & Transfer Requests

Welcome to the Los Santos Police Department! Whether you are interested in returning to the department or transferring to our department from another Law Enforcement Agency, this is where you will find the information to do so. In order to be eligible for a reinstatement or transfer into the department, you must meet a strict set of basic requirements, they are as follows:
  • Applicants:
    • Must be a citizen of the United States or carry a valid Green Card.
    • Must be least 21 years of age.
    • Must hold a United States recognized high school GED diploma or equivalent.
    • Must have not been convicted of a felony.
    • Must have not been convicted of a misdemeanor in the previous 2 years. This includes severe traffic violations. (( 2 weeks )).
    • Must have a driving record that demonstrates responsible decisions and appropriate behavior.
    • Must currently not be on criminal trial or subject to police investigation.
    • Must hold a valid driver's license.
    • Must be medically and psychologically fit for work in highly stressful environments.
    • Must not suffer from epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease or any other comparable long term conditions.
  • (( Applicants )):
    • Working microphone and the ability to use it.
    • Decent admin record, clear of any recent offenses.
    • High standard of English, preferably fluent as well as grammar.
    • Knowledge of in-depth roleplay and character development, as well as high standards displayed.
    • Must not be affiliated with an illegal faction on another character.
If you are looking to come back to the department after time away, you must meet the following requirements:
  • Applicants;
    • Must have left the Los Santos Police Department whilst holding the rank of Deputy Sheriff or above, with an active Patrol Certification.
    • Must have left the Los Santos Police Department in good standing with an Honorable or General Discharge.
    • Must have spent at least 2 years (( 2 weeks )) away from the Los Santos Police Department before being eligible to reinstate.
    • Must acknowledge the fact that by reinstating into the department, they may be required to undergo training to reattain any previously held certifications.
    • Must acknowledge the fact that by reinstating into the department, the maximum rank that may be offered by the department cannot meet or exceed their previous rank.
If you are looking to transfer into the department from another Law Enforcement Agency (LEA), you must meet the following requirements:
  • Applicants;
    • Must currently hold a fully sworn position in their current Law Enforcement Agency, with any relevant certifications or qualifications to support that. (E.g. Deputy Sheriff, State Trooper, Police Officer.)
    • Must have written consent and approval to apply for a transfer from the Command Staff of their current Law Enforcement Agency.
    • Must have spent at least 4 years (( 4 weeks )) with their current Law Enforcement Agency and have completed any mandatory training provided by the Agency.
    • Must have a clear disciplinary record within their current Law Enforcement Agency. Exceptions may be made depending on the severity of the offense.
    • Must not be under any current Internal Affairs investigation within their current Law Enforcement Agency.
    • Must acknowledge the fact that they may be required to undergo retraining upon transferring to theLos Santos Police Department.
    • Must acknowledge the fact that by transferring to theLos Santos Police Department, the maximum rank that may be offered by the department cannot meet or exceed their current rank within their current Law Enforcement Agency.
Please post your request here
Title Format:
Code: Select all
Reinstatement/Transfer Request - Firstname Lastname
Reinstatement Request Format:
Code: Select all

[legend=Los Santos Police Department - Reinstatement Request]



[b]Title:[/b] [i]Replace with answer.[/i]
[b]Surname:[/b] [i]Replace with answer.[/i]
[b]Forename:[/b] [i]Replace with answer.[/i]
[b]Date of Birth:[/b] [i]Replace with answer.[/i]
[b]Phone Number:[/b] [i]Replace with answer.[/i]
[b]Email Address:[/b] [i]Replace with answer.[/i]


[b]Previous Rank:[/b] [i]Replace with answer.[/i]
[b]Badge Number:[/b] [i]#----[/i]
[b]Previous Bureau/Division Memberships:[/b] [i]Replace with answer.[/i]
[b]Date of Departure:[/b] [i]Replace with answer.[/i]
[b]Type of Discharge:[/b] [i]HONORABLE / GENERAL / DISHONORABLE[/i]
[b]Reason for Departure:[/b] [i]Replace with answer.[/i]
[b]Requested Division of Assignment:[/b] [i]Replace with Patrol Bureau or Detective Bureau.[/i]
[b]Reason for Return:[/b] [i]Replace with answer.[/i]

[b]Do you meet all of the requirements found [url=]here[/url]:[/b] [i]YES/NO[/i]



[i]"I hereby acknowledge the fact that the Los Santos Police Department will conduct background checks on my name and property in order to determine if, during the period of my absence, I have been convicted of any crimes, felonies or misdemeanors, and I consent to these checks. I acknowledge the fact that the division and unit of assignment that I have requested may not be met and that theLos Santos Police Department cannot guarantee that they will meet my request. By signing below I confirm that since I have been discharged I have not sustained any injuries, mental or physical, that prevent me from performing the duties of the rank I previously held. I understand that the Los Santos Police Department may deny my reinstatement at any time, regardless of the reason I have been discharged for."[/i]

[b]Signature:[/b] [i]Sign Here[/i]


[b](( OOC INFORMATION ))[/b]

[b]ArdicGaming Username:[/b] [i]Replace with answer.[/i]
[b]Age:[/b] [i]Replace with answer.[/i]
[b]Geographic Location:[/b] [i]Replace with answer.[/i]
[b]Reason for Departure:[/b] [i]Replace with answer if you left for an OOC reason, otherwise leave blank.[/i]
[b]Do you have a working microphone and the ability to use it:[/b] [i]YES / NO[/i]
[b]Link to Admin History:[/b] [i]Replace with screenshot if relevant.[/i]
Transfer Request Format:
Code: Select all

[legend=Los Santos Police Department - Transfer Request]



[b]Title:[/b] [i]Replace with answer.[/i]
[b]Surname:[/b] [i]Replace with answer.[/i]
[b]Forename:[/b] [i]Replace with answer.[/i]
[b]Date of Birth:[/b] [i]Replace with answer.[/i]
[b]Phone Number:[/b] [i]Replace with answer.[/i]
[b]Email Address:[/b] [i]Replace with answer.[/i]


[b]Current Department:[/b] [i]Replace with answer.[/i]
[b]Current Rank Held:[/b] [i]Replace with answer.[/i]
[b]Badge Number:[/b] [i]#----[/i]
[b]Current Bureau/Division Memberships:[/b] [i]Replace with answer.[/i]
[b]Date of Induction:[/b] [i]Replace with answer.[/i]
[b]Date of Discharge:[/b] [i]Replace if applicable.[/i]
[b]Type of Discharge:[/b] [i]HONORABLE / GENERAL / DISHONORABLE / N/A[/i]
[b]Reason for Departure:[/b] [i]Replace if applicable.[/i]
[b]Requested Division of Assignment:[/b] [i]Replace with Patrol Bureau or Detective Bureau.[/i]
[b]Reason for Transfer:[/b] [i]Replace with answer.[/i]

[b]Do you have written consent and approval from your Department's Command Staff:[/b] [i]YES / NO[/i]
[b]Do you meet all of the requirements found [url=]here[/url]:[/b] [i]YES/NO[/i]

[i]"I hereby acknowledge the fact that the Los Santos Police Department will conduct background checks on my name and property in order to determine if the information that I have provided above is legitimate and accurate, and I consent to these checks. I acknowledge the fact that the division and unit of assignment that I have requested may not be met and that the Los Santos Police Department cannot guarantee that they will meet my request. By signing below I confirm that I have not sustained any injuries, mental or physical, that prevent me from performing the duties of the rank I previously held. I understand that the Los Santos Police Department may deny my transfer request at any time, regardless of the reason I have been discharged for."[/i]

[b]Signature:[/b] [i]Sign Here[/i]
[b](( OOC INFORMATION ))[/b]

[b]ArdicGaming Username:[/b] [i]Replace with answer.[/i]
[b]Age:[/b] [i]Replace with answer.[/i]
[b]Geographic Location:[/b] [i]Replace with answer.[/i]
[b]Do you have a working microphone and the ability to use it:[/b] [i]YES / NO[/i]
[b]Link to Admin History:[/b] [i]Replace with screenshot if relevant.[/i]
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