- Sun Jan 08, 2023 12:20 am

Title Format:

Title Format:
Code: Select all
Reinstatement Request Format:Reinstatement/Transfer Request - Firstname Lastname
Code: Select all
Transfer Request Format:[divbox=#241d00][hr][/hr][center][logo][/logo][/center][hr][/hr]
[legend=Los Santos Police Department - Reinstatement Request]
[b]Title:[/b] [i]Replace with answer.[/i]
[b]Surname:[/b] [i]Replace with answer.[/i]
[b]Forename:[/b] [i]Replace with answer.[/i]
[b]Date of Birth:[/b] [i]Replace with answer.[/i]
[b]Phone Number:[/b] [i]Replace with answer.[/i]
[b]Email Address:[/b] [i]Replace with answer.[/i]
[b]Previous Rank:[/b] [i]Replace with answer.[/i]
[b]Badge Number:[/b] [i]#----[/i]
[b]Previous Bureau/Division Memberships:[/b] [i]Replace with answer.[/i]
[b]Date of Departure:[/b] [i]Replace with answer.[/i]
[b]Type of Discharge:[/b] [i]HONORABLE / GENERAL / DISHONORABLE[/i]
[b]Reason for Departure:[/b] [i]Replace with answer.[/i]
[b]Requested Division of Assignment:[/b] [i]Replace with Patrol Bureau or Detective Bureau.[/i]
[b]Reason for Return:[/b] [i]Replace with answer.[/i]
[b]Do you meet all of the requirements found [url=https://pd.ardicgaming.com/viewtopic.php?t=64&sid=2c029e50646ee4f7f4c94120206d1214]here[/url]:[/b] [i]YES/NO[/i]
[i]"I hereby acknowledge the fact that the Los Santos Police Department will conduct background checks on my name and property in order to determine if, during the period of my absence, I have been convicted of any crimes, felonies or misdemeanors, and I consent to these checks. I acknowledge the fact that the division and unit of assignment that I have requested may not be met and that theLos Santos Police Department cannot guarantee that they will meet my request. By signing below I confirm that since I have been discharged I have not sustained any injuries, mental or physical, that prevent me from performing the duties of the rank I previously held. I understand that the Los Santos Police Department may deny my reinstatement at any time, regardless of the reason I have been discharged for."[/i]
[b]Signature:[/b] [i]Sign Here[/i]
[b](( OOC INFORMATION ))[/b]
[b]ArdicGaming Username:[/b] [i]Replace with answer.[/i]
[b]Age:[/b] [i]Replace with answer.[/i]
[b]Geographic Location:[/b] [i]Replace with answer.[/i]
[b]Reason for Departure:[/b] [i]Replace with answer if you left for an OOC reason, otherwise leave blank.[/i]
[b]Do you have a working microphone and the ability to use it:[/b] [i]YES / NO[/i]
[b]Link to Admin History:[/b] [i]Replace with screenshot if relevant.[/i]
Code: Select all
[legend=Los Santos Police Department - Transfer Request]
[b]Title:[/b] [i]Replace with answer.[/i]
[b]Surname:[/b] [i]Replace with answer.[/i]
[b]Forename:[/b] [i]Replace with answer.[/i]
[b]Date of Birth:[/b] [i]Replace with answer.[/i]
[b]Phone Number:[/b] [i]Replace with answer.[/i]
[b]Email Address:[/b] [i]Replace with answer.[/i]
[b]Current Department:[/b] [i]Replace with answer.[/i]
[b]Current Rank Held:[/b] [i]Replace with answer.[/i]
[b]Badge Number:[/b] [i]#----[/i]
[b]Current Bureau/Division Memberships:[/b] [i]Replace with answer.[/i]
[b]Date of Induction:[/b] [i]Replace with answer.[/i]
[b]Date of Discharge:[/b] [i]Replace if applicable.[/i]
[b]Type of Discharge:[/b] [i]HONORABLE / GENERAL / DISHONORABLE / N/A[/i]
[b]Reason for Departure:[/b] [i]Replace if applicable.[/i]
[b]Requested Division of Assignment:[/b] [i]Replace with Patrol Bureau or Detective Bureau.[/i]
[b]Reason for Transfer:[/b] [i]Replace with answer.[/i]
[b]Do you have written consent and approval from your Department's Command Staff:[/b] [i]YES / NO[/i]
[b]Do you meet all of the requirements found [url=https://pd.ardicgaming.com/viewtopic.php?t=64&sid=2c029e50646ee4f7f4c94120206d1214]here[/url]:[/b] [i]YES/NO[/i]
[i]"I hereby acknowledge the fact that the Los Santos Police Department will conduct background checks on my name and property in order to determine if the information that I have provided above is legitimate and accurate, and I consent to these checks. I acknowledge the fact that the division and unit of assignment that I have requested may not be met and that the Los Santos Police Department cannot guarantee that they will meet my request. By signing below I confirm that I have not sustained any injuries, mental or physical, that prevent me from performing the duties of the rank I previously held. I understand that the Los Santos Police Department may deny my transfer request at any time, regardless of the reason I have been discharged for."[/i]
[b]Signature:[/b] [i]Sign Here[/i]
[b](( OOC INFORMATION ))[/b]
[b]ArdicGaming Username:[/b] [i]Replace with answer.[/i]
[b]Age:[/b] [i]Replace with answer.[/i]
[b]Geographic Location:[/b] [i]Replace with answer.[/i]
[b]Do you have a working microphone and the ability to use it:[/b] [i]YES / NO[/i]
[b]Link to Admin History:[/b] [i]Replace with screenshot if relevant.[/i]